
Showing posts from May, 2020

Sex and a lady

Sex is glorious or so we heard, I'm a virgin I wouldn't know. We hear talk of abstinence until marriage and as many as strive towards it, there's like double the number not trying. Ladies if you must have sex and know of its glory before the matrimonial bed, there's a thing or two I want you to bear in mind.    For any and every partner please beau use protection, we're not protecting against pregnancy honey, its against STD's and if you're certain you aren't having sex with procreation in mind morning after pills are also not protection, they prevent as much as they can within a stipulated time; 12 - 72 hours, anything more OYO is your case.    STD's vary in symptoms and long term damages, yes you heard right damages, so as e sweet you to do skin to skin, reason the underlying effects. Women are more susceptible to infections than men are thus the reason why we should insist on protecting ourselves, honey if he doesn't want to use a condom,

The "African Giant"

Research shows the top causes of death in Nigeria to be malaria with  over 1.5 million cases  yearly, lower respiratory disorders, HIV/AIDS, diarrhea diseases, road injuries, protein energy malnutrition, cancer, meningitis amidst others, after all one thing must kill a man.   As at 13th February 2020, the epidemic that was trolling the nation was lassa fever as the number of "suspected" cases hiked from 700 to 1,708 cases. As at December 4th, 2019 a whooping 95,000 people died of malaria which has a cure. It is estimated that 50% of the Nigerian adult population will have at least one episode of malaria yearly and children under five will have about three attacks per annum.   While coronavirus is a worldwide pandemonium, malaria, HIV/AIDS, lassa fever and ebola have become African giants as each epidemic takes front line in at least one African country. Locally, death by malaria is said to be as a result of poverty or sheer ignorance. Although we cannot rule out the fact th


'I don't want you in this workshop anymore, so pack your things and get out! And by things I mean your ignorance, thievery and arrogance because you possess nothing else here. Useless boy!' the owner or Oga as he was called in the mechanic workshop spat fierily. Tiny bullets of saliva shot out of his mouth with the dismissive words, the bullets pouring out like a machine gun when he shouted get out.  This was a problem of his; that need for his words to drag with them on their way out, spit. However Oga is a good and morally upright man who believes in doing what was right as much as possible. His workshop was only fifteen months old and was built to standard as far as standards went; he had good working equipment and sold genuine spare parts and his customer base was becoming too overwhelming for his enterprise to service completely. But I do not care about his success because I do not own a car even though I still find his passion and zeal commendable nonetheless, especia


  I abhor the thoughts of disdain I have for the motherland, I know corruption sits pretty in every economy no matter how minute, it indeed exists. Yet, here, it thrives, it dominates.   COVID-19 is real, please wash your hands and or sanitize, maintain a safe distance and or wear masks, avoid physical touch via shaking hands or hugging people, flex your elbow and sneeze or cough into it. Just be proactive about safety measures.   The world has dealt us its hand as regards this pandemic and as things slowly but surely reel into normalcy or what would become the new norm, I can't help but wonder why the avariciousness of our government, state and central grows. They yet sort to make this epidemic a cow that they milk dry. We're a state of well over two hundred million people with thirty six states and seventeen testing labs that have tested (according to recent data) about forty four thousand people, confirming seven thousand eight hundred and thirty nine cases, with five thou

Along came a girl

Let's talk about girls, I'm a girl and I'm a christian, so I believe we were formed from Adam's ribs. I also believe that because we're special, God had to put man to sleep so he'd awake and see our glory, but this post is mainly about unearthing a girl and what she wants in a relationship, boys and men alike be ready!!! Mind you there's a mix of I, we, ladies and girls flying around, as I'm led. So I'm the case study, I'm not the orthodox girlie girl, I mean I wear high heels and bodycons, I put on make up and have nicely done buns, but, let me reiterate that my fetish might not be a standard for all girls.  At sixteen with puberty heightened, boyfriends are a norm and then it was just for appearance, when girls talked about first kisses and smooches, I talked about holding hands and in depth conversations, I wanted to know my man, unfortunately there is such a thing as too much knowledge, I should have settled for kisses in the least.  At se


Y, Watching you go through life fascinates me. Anytime I flip through your scribbles and doodles, I wonder how they are from the same mind. Your dreams are colourful and dizzying and I understand why you feel overwhelmed by them.  You're as strong as you're vulnerable, lighthearted and earnest all at once. You're rain and sunshine. You're a brilliant blend of white and black around the edges with colours in every hue at the middle. You don't have to be one thing. You don't have shrink parts of yourself to fit into boxes created by you or others.  Next time you're confused and you think you're all over the place, I want you to read this and remember you're a wild card. You have all the colours of the wind in you. You're an expression of the Creator's fluidity. All sides of you are beautiful on their own. Altogether, they're magnificent.

Dear You, III

Lonesome nights turned into unending days as I waited for you, every fleeting moment filled me with daunting resolutions that I needed you for any chance of survival, but COVID hadn't gotten to my location, it was yet at yours and soon the frustration turned to anger, so I wrote this heart wrenching note...  Dear You,   As I sit envisaging the end of the  world, at least fifty ft away from the next person in humble companionship, and sappy nostalgia, all I could think of was to call you and tell you "I hate you", for we could have done this together, damned it all and held hands in waiting, but, all I want now is for the end to be swift and that it starts with you.  This one made it to my mailbox, but, if you did indeed see it, it might have been an end I wasn't ready for, so its saved as a draft.

A dress and an address

Growing up we were taught to "dress the way we wanted to be addressed", when further explained it was said to mean responsible. Responsible was contextual to each family - for a christian family like mine, being responsible meant girls were not allowed to wear trousers or short clothes, in extreme cases they were not allowed to perm their hair, put on makeup or jewelry. The boys had to have their hair neatly cut low without parts or styles, they were to wear full length of jeans with a belt firmly holding it to their waist, they were either tucked in or if the shirt was let loose it had to cover their belt.   Over the years fashion changed and boys and girls grew into young adults with models and fashion icons they emulated, so orthodox doctrines were made to take the back seat in the society. Girls began not only to perm their hair but dye it and apply extensions and attachments to them, boys began to keep a fro or weaves and other times kept their waves on swim. Girls tu


She was just a lass on a world tour; She visited royalties, and was fair to the poor; She moved first class, was at met galas, and parties. She was friendly to the high and mighty, she tagged along with them, a romance to death. Tales were told of her origin, a lab rat, a means to an end, an enigmatic evil. At such a young age the world knew her. She was yet a lonely girl who's name struck fear and reverence to all and sunder. She was labelled novel by scientists and leaders alike; She was just nineteen but, she brought economies to a halt. She was of no known origin but perceived as the daughter of the town of death. Cities began to shut their gates, provinces their territories, Governments were made inadequate, doctors inept, scientists a sham. She flourished while every being quivered  Her touch lingered even in areas she had long deserted. Those who maneuvered around her soon became customers to the grim ripper; Those who escaped her caress told f


Obiajulu fell to the ground again His eyes dilated and his fever higher than the famous Ogbor hill Nne sent me to get the seer Dibia Although mama would never consent She wasn’t around to give him her white people medicine So I ran as fast as my little legs could carry About three houses away he appeared A man not much taller than Obiajulu He stood in front of me chanting The difference between himself and Obiajulu would be the mere mention of his name It sent shivers down the spine of children And elders revered him He cast his sight on me And ended his mutterings with; “I came to save a boy.” With fear and trembling I pointed towards my house Obiajulu was now convulsing Dibia entered in a strange way He placed a herb on two on Obiajulu’s head and began chanting The convulsions ceased Nne rained praises on him But Dibia repeated himself “I came to save a boy” Mama was displeased She set off with Obiajulu in search of a solution to his condition Many years

Dear You, part II

The days went by, all humdrum with the last and the next almost exactly the same. The nights were fleeting, yet, amidst the fleeting consistence, my mind was static, maybe a delusion that somewhere during this menace you would one day think of me, since it hadn't seemed to be the case, I started scribbling on paper again.          "Dear You", Its been forever, how are you holding out? Do you have enough of the right things? I hear that your providence has been named the epicenter of the plague, are you okay?  This one reeks of desperation, it'll go where the last one went - nowhere.

Folly Independence

Nigeria is a dysfunctional state, the decay is from the top down. Our system was flawed from inception, we were not ready for independence, we had a lot to learn from the Brits and if there was a cause for independence, it definitely came at the wrong time.   I'm not a carping critic, quite the opposite, I am a believer but, in a system that is yet to exist. The amorphousness of the nation leaves little to be desired, yet oddly, the avariciousness of our rulers grows. The quandary they dish out deepens with a new regime.   The rot and ineptitude of this so called independent state "Nigeria" is made prevalent in the face of this worldwide pandemic - COVID-19, with little or no structures or laws in place to combat and curb its spread, our rulers have devised ostentatious means of showmanship to feign equanimity rather than conceding to their inadequacy.   State governments have now become autonomous in a competition to show efficiency and self righteousness. They perf