
Watching you go through life fascinates me. Anytime I flip through your scribbles and doodles, I wonder how they are from the same mind. Your dreams are colourful and dizzying and I understand why you feel overwhelmed by them. 
You're as strong as you're vulnerable, lighthearted and earnest all at once. You're rain and sunshine. You're a brilliant blend of white and black around the edges with colours in every hue at the middle.
You don't have to be one thing. You don't have shrink parts of yourself to fit into boxes created by you or others. 
Next time you're confused and you think you're all over the place, I want you to read this and remember you're a wild card. You have all the colours of the wind in you. You're an expression of the Creator's fluidity. All sides of you are beautiful on their own. Altogether, they're magnificent.


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