Along came a girl

Let's talk about girls, I'm a girl and I'm a christian, so I believe we were formed from Adam's ribs. I also believe that because we're special, God had to put man to sleep so he'd awake and see our glory, but this post is mainly about unearthing a girl and what she wants in a relationship, boys and men alike be ready!!! Mind you there's a mix of I, we, ladies and girls flying around, as I'm led. So I'm the case study, I'm not the orthodox girlie girl, I mean I wear high heels and bodycons, I put on make up and have nicely done buns, but, let me reiterate that my fetish might not be a standard for all girls. 

At sixteen with puberty heightened, boyfriends are a norm and then it was just for appearance, when girls talked about first kisses and smooches, I talked about holding hands and in depth conversations, I wanted to know my man, unfortunately there is such a thing as too much knowledge, I should have settled for kisses in the least.

 At seventeen, girls already have their first kiss, I was a little late for the girls my age but, I had something to throw in the mix of conversations, peer pressure was a thing most girls dealt with. At eighteen it was the big leagues now, first cunnilingus maybe, and further down as long as they would allow. So far you're looking for pointers I suppose? Well at sixteen a girl is into a relationship so she can have an experience, at seventeen she wants to have had a story, at eighteen which is the legal age she wants to be seen as an adult.

  After sex we become dependent emotionally that is, especially to the man who popped the cherry and if he isn't the devil or his advocate we stay tamed, but there we learn the art of manipulation; use what you have to get what you want, statements like "before you I was..." "The innocence in my eyes seem forlorn" and though these might not be repeated verbatim know that your girl is milking you. By this I don't mean for money, it might be for attention, to do her bidding or just so you don't call her out on a wrong, and yes it can actually just be for money.

   There's a stage right after adolescence that ushers in youthful exuberance, the phase where we want to party, drink and travel. The rave that comes with this stage is only tamed by God and a man we truly love, yet there's room for lies and untold secrets, the stage right after this is either remorse filled, or gratifying the transition.

    Some where in the mid-twenties a lady just wants stability, so if she's still a student, she's likely looking to date a final year student, a corper or better still a working class man. At this point she realizes that cute titles, great sex and companionship are not necessities, they are bonuses that come with the right man. Nevertheless, a lady will always have a soft spot for a man who gives her attention regardless of every other trait, plus great sex is an added advantage. If she is already working then the stakes are even higher because then she needs a man who can provide more than she earns, who challenges her intellect, who is attentive to detail and still showers her with attention and of course who doesn't love gifts?

  In her late twenties, a woman wants a husband. Men listen up, she doesn't just want a provider, she wants a friend, a big brother, a lover and you can never ever be too attentive.
  Your money talks a lot but your service is louder, take your mind out of the gutter I mean acts of service duh, its a love language.

 In her thirties she wants... How will I know, I'm the case study and I'm barely in my late twenties.


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