Folly Independence

Nigeria is a dysfunctional state, the decay is from the top down. Our system was flawed from inception, we were not ready for independence, we had a lot to learn from the Brits and if there was a cause for independence, it definitely came at the wrong time.
  I'm not a carping critic, quite the opposite, I am a believer but, in a system that is yet to exist. The amorphousness of the nation leaves little to be desired, yet oddly, the avariciousness of our rulers grows. The quandary they dish out deepens with a new regime.
  The rot and ineptitude of this so called independent state "Nigeria" is made prevalent in the face of this worldwide pandemic - COVID-19, with little or no structures or laws in place to combat and curb its spread, our rulers have devised ostentatious means of showmanship to feign equanimity rather than conceding to their inadequacy.
  State governments have now become autonomous in a competition to show efficiency and self righteousness. They perfunctorily imitate systems that work, imposing lockdowns without putting their citizen's welfare into consideration. They infringe on human rights willy-nilly as they put up a facade of orderliness.
  While hunger thrives and poverty thickens, the exuberance which the rulers and business magnates exhibit are tell signs that the average Nigerian is the most affected and the least cared about. With forced closure of small and medium enterprises as well as industries without an alternative means of provision for basic amenities such as light, water, e.t.c and hike in price of essential services as well as a lack of means to buy food as  most people's day to day means of earning has stopped, the citizens are thrown into hunger, depression, anxiety and crime.
  I can write a tirade about why Nigeria was, is and might remain unready for the great power that comes with its independence but I will rather write about the average Nigerian languishing in abject poverty and the fast deteriorating health balance of the populace during this pandemic, but it is even more absurd that the federal  and state government have once again decided to mimic systems that work and ask all citizens to go out without prerequisite health facilities or protective equipment made available. The impending doom is gigantean.


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