Sex and a lady

Sex is glorious or so we heard, I'm a virgin I wouldn't know. We hear talk of abstinence until marriage and as many as strive towards it, there's like double the number not trying. Ladies if you must have sex and know of its glory before the matrimonial bed, there's a thing or two I want you to bear in mind.
   For any and every partner please beau use protection, we're not protecting against pregnancy honey, its against STD's and if you're certain you aren't having sex with procreation in mind morning after pills are also not protection, they prevent as much as they can within a stipulated time; 12 - 72 hours, anything more OYO is your case.
   STD's vary in symptoms and long term damages, yes you heard right damages, so as e sweet you to do skin to skin, reason the underlying effects. Women are more susceptible to infections than men are thus the reason why we should insist on protecting ourselves, honey if he doesn't want to use a condom, use one. Yes, duh there are female condoms too, and though they're not as common as male condoms are they're a thing, you cannot use it? Here's a link; learn.
  Some STD's require just antibiotics while others need more stringent measures. Girlfriend never be ashamed to go for tests. You should go for tests if;
•You smell different, normally every woman has a unique smell down below, aunty if it changes something is wrong or is going wrong.
• If you're beginning to release a cotton like discharge, regardless of the color, if you're not ovulating or cumming aunty something is wrong there.
• If you have an itch, now the worst place to have an itch is in the place where the sun don't shine. That is an obvious pointer to something being off.
• If you have a burning sensation when you pee, madam, all these difficulties should chase you to the doctor.
  Now I don't know why you feel old enough to have sex and not old enough to see a gynecologist or discuss symptoms with them, honey if they like they should judge you, that's against their ethics and harsh thing to do with you, really its their problem as long as you come out well and clean. Just see a gynaecologist.
  Anytime you have a new partner, the both of you should get tested for every STD, and let it be at a hospital you choose, not him. Some guys lie about their status. And always have sex with condoms. A lot of STD's can stay in the body without giving signs and symptoms. In the long run they might cause PID(Pelvic inflammatory disease) with can cause sterility.
  Sex is glorious but be careful in your glorious act.


  1. Beautiful write up.. I am amazed at your writing skills.. Kudos babe


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