
Showing posts from April, 2022

Dear You V

 Reconnecting was a miracle, or at least I thought it was. As the lockdown orders were retrieved and flights started moving again you were here, among the first few who took flight amidst the stringent restrictions. When I saw you, I wished I could bottle the moment and keep it forever, but this is all I could do... "Dear You," I might never perfectly explain this moment but I'm in awe of the person God created you to be. Today I'm so elated I might pee in my pants. You're here unharmed. I can see the crease at the corner of your eyes as you smile and your dimples in your cheeks. I can hold your hands and wrap them around me. I lay with you. Thank you. You wouldn't understand the depth from which these words proceeded, so I kept them in my now piling portfolio of letters to you.

The man of God (review)

  There will always be propaganda, those who instigate it, those who propagate it, those who are indifferent to it, and finally, those who refute it. Like most Nigerian movies there's a theme to the man of God movie, while we can infer our own themes based on experiences and belief, the writers, actors and entire production crew had theirs in mind whilst they made the movie. Nice watch by the way. My favorite character being Reks, Rekya anyone you choose to call her. One of the reasons I don't jump on the bandwagon of writing about trending topics as e dey hot, or throw in my two cents as most others do, is because there's always a small window for self bias to cloud your otherwise sound judgement. I've seen people rise up with rakes and knives about this movie, and I intentionally watched it to see why. One thing I would first point out is this, that it is titled " the man of God" does not make it a Christian movie. The story is about Samuel Aba or Oba somet


 "I honestly don't know how it happened. It was all so fast. I asked who's there? I waited a few seconds for a response, there wasn't any, I'm long-sighted, I panicked when he appeared right in front of me, and I pulled the trigger".  This statement would make or mar me, because at the end of the day, a man died. Not just any man, my fiance who had broken off our nine year engagement a few nights ago. It was loud, there were witnesses and I swore if we ever crossed paths again, I would kill him. I am not an attorney, but I had seen similar cases like this when George brought them home, the verdict was almost always guilty.  "People will readily forget things, friends will become distant, family will doubt you, your story will become incoherent - sutured to fit the demeanor of the listener while you make your case of innocence but every small detail that changes in your statement will be ripped apart and made a lie by opposing counsel". This was Georg


 I think that when it comes to politics, we're hypocrites. It's the only way I understand this theory - you hate something in its original form and assume you would love it in a different pack, that is, the same content in a different pack. How? Hey lovelies, welcome to the blog.  Elections are on the way again and guess what... almost all the candidates have been in power before. In fact two of them led my state (in Lady Gaga's voice, "applaud, applaud, applaud").  Former vice presidents are in the running too. Almost all, if not all, have held one political position or the other. Did they bring the change they claim they're bringing this time around? Did they solve the problems that were within their purview to solve? Did they do anything remotely wonderful?  Loyalists please stay far away from me. We're trying to make our votes count, encouraging the youths to get their PVC's and come out en masse to do the right thing. We're asking that urgent

Thick and fit

  Growing up calling someone fat made them uneasy. They rather used other adjectives to describe themselves - I'm not fat, I'm big, I'm chubby, and most recently I'm thick. Hey guys, welcome to the blog. Back in the day we were told that "fat" people were unfit, lazy, had body odour and were more susceptible to diseases, I'm here in Wike's voice to tell you, "all fake".  I'm going to use the words of a longtime friend who's thick and fitter than even I  here: "In my own words being thick and fit is very possible, people might likely not understand because they just can't relate. I'm able to do most things any other person can, I dance, do sports, wear fitted clothings and still feel good under my own skin, sometimes I do strenuous activity and can't catch my breath....yaya!!! do sooo many other slim folks out there, even scientists have debunked the theory that your BMI determines how healthy you are or if yo