The man of God (review)

 There will always be propaganda, those who instigate it, those who propagate it, those who are indifferent to it, and finally, those who refute it. Like most Nigerian movies there's a theme to the man of God movie, while we can infer our own themes based on experiences and belief, the writers, actors and entire production crew had theirs in mind whilst they made the movie. Nice watch by the way. My favorite character being Reks, Rekya anyone you choose to call her.

One of the reasons I don't jump on the bandwagon of writing about trending topics as e dey hot, or throw in my two cents as most others do, is because there's always a small window for self bias to cloud your otherwise sound judgement. I've seen people rise up with rakes and knives about this movie, and I intentionally watched it to see why. One thing I would first point out is this, that it is titled " the man of God" does not make it a Christian movie.

The story is about Samuel Aba or Oba something something who goes on to change his name to Samuel King. He is the son of an Aladura pastor. He is, from my perspective, a troubled lad. Someone who refused the doctrine he was brought up with and sought to find his own way. He neglected the voice of reasoning which often beckoned via his father's voice. He neglected his family and even his mother who he clearly cared for, but was too focused on being someone entirely different to reach out to her before her demise.

Samuel was in a love equilateral shape ๐Ÿ™„ because there were three people in which he had dealings with. At the very beginning he was with Rekya, his backup singer whilst he performed Fela songs in the university. Then he was swooned by Joy who was friend's with Teju - his childhood friend who he didn't know but was smitten by him. Rekya who he often referred to as Reks was a hustler, she did every and anything for money. In loose language we can refer to her as a street girl. Joy who would become the epicenter of Samuel's life was a christian girl, one who spoke at every fellowship and was passionate about ministry. Teju was Samuel's childhood friend and family friend even. She often helped him with notes, reminded him about classes and tests and always invited him to fellowship. She would eventually become his wife.

It is imperative to note that Samuel never heard God's calling at any point in the movie. It is imperative also to note that, when Samuel joined the church, he did it begrudgingly. He never joined it because he was redeemed or saved. He did it first to impress Joy. Then in appreciation of Teju's support over the years. It was something she was passionate about so he began to attend church services with her after their marriage.

The crux of the banter about the man of God movie is in this - the part where church giving seemed problematic for Samuel. He thought it a farce. Brethren, this character has from the very beginning of the movie been uninterested with the things of God. At some point the pastor in the church where he and Teju were, admonished the church about giving, yes that part was poorly depicted, but so are many parts in many other movies. If we did not point it out, it might have gone unnoticed or maybe there might have been tongue wagging but can you fight for God?

Rekya, an unsaved soul, one who was into borderline prostitution. One who trafficked drugs and humans was the one who first pointed out the fact that Samuel could go into "church business". Furthermore, she convinced him to start it upon re-entry into his life, nine years later. Remember it was a seed a brother in church had already started planting too. If we pick at it hard enough we would see where we falter at our roles in church. In our communication and message delivery. Our darling brother Samuel was yet an unsaved soul that woke up one night and told his wife that God had called him.

We're leaving out the role Teju played. She knew within her that her husband wasn't called, and that even if he was called it was definitely not by God. She had evidence that she had just put away to that effect. I'm talking about the letter from sister Jojo talking bout her abortion, an affirmation of the disciplinary committee he was supposed to face in their assembly before his sudden call from God. But Teju wanted more than anything to remain the wife of Samuel so she went along until she didn't.

There's no part of this movie were Samuel was moved by the things of God. And it showed upon re-entry into his life Joy. He would damn every consequence to be with her again. Even though she was married, even though he was married. In reality, Samuel was a man who was selfish in decision making. He always put himself and his desires first. He was a man who might have had a calling but he refused to heed it. Samuel was a troubled soul. He was at his wits'end and indeed karma caught up with him.

I do not think that any part of this movie was made to troll the church and if indeed it was, I think they failed. If we're being realistic the church will always face persecution in many aspects. Our society has chosen to persecute the church in terms of giving (offering and tithes). I repeat we cannot fight for God. However, if
2 Cor 9: 6 - 8 was used in the movie for the part were giving was talked about, it might have had less backlash, it might have corrected a lot of things but sadly it wasn't used. I do not think this movie (which in my view is totally comic) should in anyway cast aspersions on your Christian faith, and if it does, I wonder in whom you have believed.


  1. Well put! I like the perspective that this review takes. As you've said, an agenda was behind the poor, convoluted depiction of whatever the writer and producer was aiming to produce. Having noted that everyone has an intention to portray what they want, having also noted that interpretation can be subjective in these things, I don't think we ought to conclude that refuting erroneous exaggerations are altogether needless. For instance, if there was no fuss & you were not prompted to share this post in hopes to clarify some things, who would gain from the angle you've presented? People detecting an underlying motive to cast aspersion on the faith or the gathering of the saints are not necessarily insecure or confused about who they've believed in. It's not an attempt to "defend God" - there is a place for contending for the faith for the sake of the simple/lost/infant in the faith. Sometimes these things are needless distractions, I totally agree. And we would do well not to give it more primetime than needful. On the other hand, the presentation of such obvious confusion presents an opportunity share clarifying statements, to restate & re emphasize the truth in the midst of error.

    So I don't think we can conclude there was no intention to troll the church because we are neither the ones who judge nor weigh the intents of the heart. Plus, the fruit is what enables us make external judgments and that is what's being done. The comments around the movie are replete with some Christians questioning truths they ought to be established in. They're being sold a narrative that depicts dishonesty, self idolatry, greed, lust, and a plethora of other things as being core to the assembly. Do those things actually exist in the hearts of different people? Without a doubt. But should the presence of thieves in a market suddenly overshadow the understanding of what trading and commerce is about? And if such error is flying around with the potential to mislead or confuse your brethren, is being our brother's keeper not expressed in preemptively pointing out the error? So (for those who even decide to entertain it with their attention), they are not doing so without caution or alertness?

    You and I may know definitions and perhaps better discern what is of God or otherwise. But not everyone can speak like this or be mildly amused by the ludicrousness of the entire production. It's targeting a Christian demographic, even though it's not a Christian movie and therein is the issue. Critiques from a non- Christian standpoint have also highlighted several issues that make the movie a poorly put together thing, save for the aptness in actor selection and cinematography.

    So I think Christians have a right to be disgusted and to raise alarm so that those who might gullibly go and swallow everything, without the maturity to sift through undertones and subliminal messages, apply some more caution. This is not the first time that there will be vexation over media seeking to commercialize erroneous narratives of a sector, without committing to thorough research, accurate depiction or balance. Hollywood has done it in several movies where they over romanticize illnesses that are people's literal living nightmares and there's an outcry. The claim that the poor depiction of the lives of victims is justified because it results in raising awareness about the condition, is not always accepted or considered valid. No matter what we say, these things influence mindsets and shape perception so it's not harmless or irrelevant. To the ones who will observe & contribute as led, let them. To the one who will preemptively refute, let them. To the ones who will ignore, let them. To the ones who will support the false, let them. To the ones who will be false, let them.

    God will be the judge of all.

    1. As per usual there's always something to learn from you. Thank you for the wise counsel.

  2. God will judge all of us!
    You write so well๐Ÿ‘


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