
Showing posts from January, 2021


 Hi loves, its Sunday I hope you went to church, if no, doxology lol. Today I'm here to talk about fears, what deep dark worries keep you awake most nights? I'll share a few and give you a tip or two that I've used to have sound sleep this year. Everyone has the normal phobias, fear of heights, pistanthrophobia, athazagoraphobia, arachnophobia and the rest of them, basic phobias I call them, for me, these are superficial and can rarely keep you awake except the spider is on your bed sha. Now that we know that such phobias are basic, lets delve into today's post shall we.   My biggest fear is of failure really, I hate that awkward moment when I'm there fully clad with nothing to offer, God forbid bad thing. But the biggest way to trample over failure is to prepare isn't it? Fully equip yourself and hit the ground rolling, or is that how its said? However there's a word that churns around in the human vocabulary - a word called "hard", sometimes call

Tell me about yourself

 I find the statement ‘tell me about yourself’, quite annoying. I feel like if you want to know about me you’d stick around long enough to find out as much as you need. Notice I said as much as you need, not everything, just as much as you need depending on the level of relationship we have. But, as much as I hate the statement ‘tell me about yourself’, I find that its at the crux of everyday conversations, so unfortunately, I have to answer it. Today I’m going to tell you about myself so that when you visit the page again, you’d have a feel of me, what I’m like and why I write the way I do, or maybe you’d understand my underlying disposition to write instead of speaking.  My name is Onyinye Dennise Dennessa, Nwogu. I’m an ambivert. I think I’m tripolar because each of my names has its own personality, so when you meet Onyinye she’s different from Dennise who’s also different from Dennessa. Lets meet each of them shall we.  Onyinye is the calm and collected one, she’s always on time, n

Loving Correctly

Hi again, its been a while since I wrote anything really, but we're grateful for a new year. Happy new year loves. I'm single again, I've been in an out of one relationship for a year plus now, and every time we got back, it felt more detached. So I may not be the one to tell you how to love correctly, but I think I have bragging rights on telling you how I wanted to be loved, and I'm certain a lot of people would love to be loved that same way.    Tip 1: Never be indifferent to your differences - remember that as similar as the fingerprints of your fingers on one hand are, only one can unlock your phone. Most people say we're a lot alike, so they tend to overlook those little differences, honey, pay attention to details. In those minute differences there's either a making or marring. For me, I love jovial people but, a joke too far can have dire consequences.  Tip 2: Never get too comfortable - I mean a relationship between two people shouldn't be on