Tell me about yourself

 I find the statement ‘tell me about yourself’, quite annoying. I feel like if you want to know about me you’d stick around long enough to find out as much as you need. Notice I said as much as you need, not everything, just as much as you need depending on the level of relationship we have. But, as much as I hate the statement ‘tell me about yourself’, I find that its at the crux of everyday conversations, so unfortunately, I have to answer it.

Today I’m going to tell you about myself so that when you visit the page again, you’d have a feel of me, what I’m like and why I write the way I do, or maybe you’d understand my underlying disposition to write instead of speaking.

 My name is Onyinye Dennise Dennessa, Nwogu. I’m an ambivert. I think I’m tripolar because each of my names has its own personality, so when you meet Onyinye she’s different from Dennise who’s also different from Dennessa. Lets meet each of them shall we.

 Onyinye is the calm and collected one, she’s always on time, neat, might have OCD, is soft spoken, serious and very impressionable. She has a vast knowledge bank and innocence is written all over her. She’s an ardent believer, she writes of the environment, politics and God. She’s the boring one.

 Dennise is a wild card, she’s the one who the other two tend to lock up, she loves attention and my does she always get it. She’s flirtatious and loves a dare. She has tried almost every known vice and has become sage to the other two, advising them not to. She’s an extremist, go hard or go home kind of person, she’s the one you want at parties or a social gathering. She writes of drunk lovers, furtive glances and dalliances. She’s most likely the one who’d walk up to you with a smirk. Her aura enlivens.

 Dennessa is me, she’s the one I see in the mirror almost every other morning. She feels everything. She’s the one you consoled a couple of years back and the she went on to write dirges for months unend. She’s the one who writes love and hate poems almost simultaneously. She’s the one who’s mood swings are unbearable and her flare for writing is mood dependent. She’s the one I most identify with because underneath it all – her quirky, sometimes shy persona birthed the writer in all three of us. She writes because SPEAKING MIGHT NEVER BE ENOUGH, she believes that words spoken are EXHAUSTIBLE AND CAN BE FORGOTTEN but, WORDS WRITTEN ARE EMBEDDED IN A SPACE WHERE THEY CAN BE RECALLED AND RELIVED.

 Dennessa is my favorite person, she’s the one I want to sojourn through life with. She has a perfect mix of Dennise and Onyinye in her, I trust her to release either when the need arises. She’s the dominant persona. Her writing is crude, devoid of filters and faux emotions. She’s an extremist as well, but is covertly sensitive (maybe her only undoing). She’s the person most of my friends know and honestly she’s the one I hope this blog continues to see.

 You can go through my other posts and identify who wrote what, or check my IG and twitter to see more of my writings to identify them. Please don’t forget to comment, share and in what little way you can, tell me about yourself in the comment section. 


  1. Thanks ness. Glad to know you more.

  2. I love all three personalities, but Dennise is the one I'd call if I wanna do something as crazy as skydiving.
    P.S. Denessavitch is my favorite too. 😌


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