

What defines you? At your very core, who do you think you are? What labels or titles are merely add-ons and which ones truly represent you? Hi lovelies, been eons right? Welcome to the blog, we’re almost four years old and it has been an enthralling journey.

For the better part of my adult life, I struggled to find myself. Every time I was asked, ‘tell me about yourself in an interview’, I froze. Who am I? When asked what I believed in, I could only muster up to say, God and family. But what does that mean? Who are you? What are your values? What do you believe in? Do these questions keep you up at night or cause you to freeze during a somewhat peaceful moment? Do they come to you as a great epiphany during the cool of day or greet you right after supposedly doing your best? More than anything else, do you have answers for them?

The past five years of my life I spent dating a man who challenged me intellectually. I mean he passed more for a mentor some days than my partner and although he had his own shortcomings, I give him credit for this part, he knew how to define people. He defined them by titles (what they did), character (how they got things done) and personality.  That takes intentionality to do and an ability to truly see people. I on the other hand would be sentimental or emotional about my definitions, I could go on to write epistles about said person without really pinpointing any of the aforementioned, well, I did always point out good character traits and that was my own way. Sadly, that’s not the right way. I might have found his way a bit uncomfortable because if a person hadn’t naturalized into a niche or was struggling to find their footing, his definition of them seemed short, rushed or insensitive. I felt that way because for the first four years of our relationship, I struggled to define myself, imagine what it must have cost him? 

There are many defining moments in our lives, many different ways with which to define ourselves and many ways to show up fully clad and prepared to answer that question, ‘tell me about yourself’.  I’lll start.

I am Onyinye .D. Nwogu. I am a writer, Technologist in the Department of Biochemistry at the Rivers State University (often called a lecturer, almost same difference to those who don’t work in the university system), and an environmentalist. My utmost believe is in God and His ever enduring love for humanity. I believe that family is the most important unit of society and that politics can be a clean game if integrity was held in higher esteem than money. I believe in transparency across all spheres regardless of the outcome. My core values include, but are not relegated to, dedication, integrity, transparency, accountability, smart work and innovation. I am a genius in any field I put my mind to especially if it’s in the creative sphere. My soft skills include, issue resolution, great communication skills, financial advisory, and an excellent team spirit.  I often stand out in a class or group, not only for looks (though I admit to being quite easy on the eyes) but for character and being very quick on my feet to assimilate and deliver. 

Now, it’s your turn. You can define yourself in the comment section, the back of your note or in your phone’s notepad. Take your time, go back and make edits if you like, that’s okay. I mean I might have sold myself short, but, more than anything else, let the narrative of who you are be told by you. 


  1. I'm Paul Ikonne, a polymath and a born leader. I'm a visual designer by night and mechanical technician by day. I'm amazing.

  2. Hi, I'm Peace Owen, I don't like myself very much especially right now, so I'm going to do this for me. I'll come back and edit this sometime.
    I've failed at several things, at school, at relationships, at friendships. I don't give up easily even when Im beat. I'm strong even when I'm weak and broken. I love hard, but not enough, I'm brave but not enough, I trust entirely too much, yet, not enough. I don't feel or act my age (I really really should fix that).
    But I'm defining me. I'm not a failure, I just like the long, roundabout way. I win, and when I win, I win big. I'm smart. I'm unique, I'm kind, I'm beautiful, and I'm enough.
    Oh, and I'm also a writer, (please don't judge me by this post).


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