Apologies to self

  Did you ever see the series One three hill? The theme song keeps replaying in my head, so for those who didn’t see it  I’m going to write out the parts that I like;

   “I don’t want to be anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately, All I have to do is to look into it and have peace of mind. I’m tired of running around wondering what I gotta do or who I’m supposed to be. I don’t want to be anything other than me”.

Now that I’ve brought you up to speed, welcome to the blog loves, its been a minute. Today we’d talk about self appreciation. 

You know how easy it is for you to appreciate how much another person is making efforts/progress and what strides they’re taking? Or how easy it is to admire a person and or even cheer them up when they seem glum? Why is it uneasy for you to do that for yourself? Go on, give yourself a sloppy excuse I’m waiting… Are you done? Now apologize for that sloppy excuse you gave yourself. Anyhoo, I’m going to tell you what you rarely tell yourself, honey you’re doing good. You pulled yourself out of the bed, I’m rooting for you, you can achieve more and oh darling if that’s all you can achieve right now, that’s still alright you have till the end of time to achieve more at your pace, there’s no hurry whatsoever. This rock bottom, pitfall and whatever else you might want to call it, it isn’t going to be the end of you, remember you’ve had similar challenges all seeming like they were the absolute worst at the time, aren’t you over them now? I trust you and I trust your fate, it might seem gloomy with no chance of rainbows but you’ve seen beautiful days and I trust there are more to come.

Oh jolly!!! What a day to be alive, you’re breathing unaided, moving about on your own two feet and ready for more that seems afar off, can I tell you something, everyday brings you a little closer to more, you just don’t see it yet. And yes, we’ve all heard the forecast, leaders and preachers alike foretelling doom but I promise you happiness is what you make of it. Now that I’ve spoken to your being, its time for you to speak to your yourself. Here’s an excerpt from a friend’s thought process;

 Dear self,

Taking your own advice is hard. Sometimes I think I have a coconut head and I’m stuck with the things I’m struggling with forever but that’s far from true. I just realised that its easy to see things clearly when you’re not in the situation. It’s not a genius discovery or an earth shattering epiphany by any length but its a truth that makes me slow down, makes it easier to breathe. Its really important to talk about your problems with people who care about you. You might be too deep in your situation to see what’s really true.

 Yes read that again, because I know you, you love to isolate yourself when you have problems. You don’t have to deal with your pain alone. Its not healthy and you suck at it anyway.

 While this article aims at making you appreciate yourself more, there’s an add

age I’ve heard so many times that its become a daily reminder, “no man is an island”, people need people. So when it gets dark in your corner of life, find the people or the person that can remind you of what a smile is and how enriching laughter is. Remember that on this our God-given earth, challenges will arise and you might not be able to trump it alone thus the saying, “two heads are better than one”, find your second, third and even fourth head, but do what it takes to stay afloat and win. 

Now I can’t claim to know what baggages you’re tugging along with but, I can tell you from experience that the hues of despair you allow your mind to paint when you’re beating yourself up are only a figment of a misplaced imagination. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people are going through a lot of stuff and you just might be one of them but, darling please, nothing is worth beating yourself up for. Life is going to throw hard punches at you, yours is to choose to nurture the wounds, heal from them and fight back. I love you, keep fighting.


  1. This is very deep and well articulated. Thanks a lot ness.

  2. I promise to be kinder to myself. Thank you Dee

  3. Another very thoughtful piece. Welldone

  4. Another very thoughtful piece. Welldone

  5. Hmm. So much to think about. Thank you Dee


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