New Life

 Hi lovelies, good evening, this fine evening. Today's post is about the haven God through my sister led me to and how my life changed ever since. I wrote this poem to depict the transformation that occurred in my life and as our third anniversary draws nigh, I thought to share it with you too.

Hello, fear, I've come to bid you goodbye;

You, depression and all of your like-minded buddies can now evacuate my environment.

I know you're wondering what changed,

Let me brief you;

This year, I joined a family,

I came to a new birth - new life.

I realized who I am,

I changed my vocabulary.

You see, I learnt new things in depth,

I finally overcame you.

Let me share some of the things  I've learnt with you;

You know how I was scared of the future?

In my new home, I explained these fears to my daddy;

He told me this, you look with your eyes, but you see with your mind!

I did not understand, I was still a babe.

But patience thrives here, he explained further and I learned a new word.

Daddy reminded me what faith is, 

"the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

What do you see in your mind,


In my new home, the word see, there is transcribed to be CHAZAR!

We build in our minds first,

The word of God being our mirror,

We use it to correct,

To chisel out our imperfections,

To align.

Don't you see the spring in my steps?

My new demeanor?

Don't I look more like royalty than the many defeats that beclouded me?

Don't I look good?

I am a royal priesthood, a goodly heritage. These are not things I was told.

No, they're things that I have come to know.

I am alive, emboldened.

My posture has changed.

Didn't you notice?

I no longer have load and burdens.

No slouched shoulders,

My face radiates glory. 

The only time my posture is not prim and proper is when we're called to prayer.

In my thesaurus,

I speak in new tongues.

Don't you wonder?

Those nights when you hear me crying, 

You think it's because I'm sulking?

Far, be, it. I was translated into the spirit.

In my new home, another word we call this is KOINONIA!

My spirit is in fellowship with the ONE who created it.

Oh, you now understand why I stopped being overly emotional?

I learned where to put my emotions to good use.

Ah! You're right to remind me.

My plans, my vision, aspirations, and dreams.

They're valid. But what I want ills in comparison to what my Father wants for me.

So I will wait, 

While I wait, I will work,

While I work, I will CHAZAR!

While at that, I will remain in fellowship.

You see, I've grown beyond bothering about the mundane things.

I don't just plan to get a job,

Get married,

Start a family,

Own a car or two or three.

No, my daddy has taught me what the S.I unit of life is,

I don't know how long my sojourn on earth is,

But, I intend to create impact over time.



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