
Showing posts from May, 2022

The price of living in Nigeria

 Hey guys welcome to the blog. I'm sad today, I recently played house guest to a friend and her brothers, they were nice and generous with me. Today, one of the brothers is no more. A friend of mine had once said, "the price of living in Nigeria is our lives", and I didn't dwell much on it till this morning. Next year elections will commence and our aspirants are already garnering supporters - from the elite class to the laymen, yet, these candidates are the recycled lot we've been accusing of corruption, avarice, negligence, poverty increment, and what not. But they're out there with the same song and dance at the same frequency, with the same gimmicks.  Promises like employment opportunities, better road networks, better security, curbing or obliterating ASUU strikes, improved health care and the fallacies can go on and on. Let's stick to health care for today's post. If you've never had a run-in with the Nigerian public health system you're

"White", but not.

 In our society, everything from our dressing to our blee is used to judge us. Some find it harder than the rest. But the plight of some cuts across several other societies not just ours. Welcome to the blog lovelies.  You know in our African community a lot of people have put in effort, chemicals and so much more, to become as light as possible right? Well there's a certain kind of light skin that they cannot achieve. That light skin isn't achievable because it is a resultant of a deficiency of melanin - albinism.  The cause of albinism is a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin, the pigment that gives skin, eyes, and hair their coloring. The defect may result in the absence of melanin production or a reduced amount of melanin production. It is neither a disease nor a curse as some African communities including ours see it to be atimes. People with albinism have extremely pale skin, eyes and hair. They are at an increased risk of vision, skin and so

Anxiety (profit or loss?)

 I've clogged my eye sockets again and my nostrils are full too. Tears and mucus, yuck! But what can I do? Hey guys welcome to the blog. Let's talk about anxieties… The bible encourages us to be anxious for nothing and I am a Bible believing, tongue speaking christian yet, I am anxious about almost everything. Hi, keep in line, I'm not nearly holy enough, saved not perfect, and progress over perfection. Back to anxieties, how do you deal with them? My birthday is in two months ish, and I am already overly demeaned by self. A year older what have you achieved? Why do you deserve to be happy and celebrated? What are you thankful for? What has changed? Yo it's a hassle. I often say that I am my biggest critic, do you get these talk down from yourself too? I wonder how the revelation, 'be anxious for nothing came about'. I mean, God do you not see that people are winning in different spheres of life and all I'm doing is existing, like???? How is it that the only