My Valentine Story

Expectations are mostly the cause of disappointment. Welcome lovelies, here's my valentine story.

Growing up the only thing I knew about valentine's is the fact that it was a makeshift Christmas day since the colors of the day are red and white and presents were given as well. Then as a teenager in high school, it was a day to know the prettiest girl cause she had the most gifts and I usually had none (didn't mean I was the ugliest, not even remotely, I was just the girl every guy told they had a crush on someone else because I was a tomboy - guy's lady). Valentine's to me was mundane and the frivolities of the day made it even more uninteresting until hormones happened.

  It was my first valentine as someone's girlfriend, I was expectant, I wanted texts at 12am, a lunch date, a kiss, a reassuring I love you and at least one present that I'd keep forever. It was a perfect plan save for the fact that my boyfriend was in a different country and he'd been talking about seeing other people as physical presence meant a lot with him. I claimed to understand yet with almighty valentine at hand my senses were numbed to stupor and I built castles in cloud nine. Well obviously all expectations faltered and failed.

The valentine after that was significant in that I learnt that valentine was just meant for me. My parents are young and beautiful and they rarely ever go out, but this Valentine's day my mom took my dad out to spoil him. I was single but in a situationship with this sailor (that would become a stronghold for many relationships to come) being with a sailor meant seeing rarely and frankly I had no plans to see him. Well he had other plans and he appeared shortly after my parents left, it was a huge gesture and I was bursting with glee. We took the longest route to the supermarket close to my house and anything I could imagine he was handy to buy it, it was a cool evening and it was perfect till he picked that accursed call. He promised to be back in a few, but, uncle kept me outside with the evening turning dark rapidly and the guilt growing in me as I'd escaped from home because of my parents absence. After an hour of needless waiting and the glee now forlorn, I took the fastest route home after dumping all my presents in front of the supermarket so he could tell how displeased I was. Brethren uncle didn't call me back, well he did eventually but it was a day after.

My next valentine was as a sophomore in the university. I had big plans, dinner date, long talks about our future together, I even had a mix on my phone with some of the greatest love songs. I was ready to finish somebody's son with acrobatics but while I had my own plans so did uncle and when there was a clash of interests, lets just say neither of us believed what big a deal we made.

Well I told uncle that Valentine's was officially canceled from our calendar because we had so many grand gestures in our heads and they were always surprises so it always clashed, well after his demise five years later, I had come to the conclusion that Valentine's day was just a day and that year was the most notable Valentine's ever. I decided to go out with two friends and my sister, have a gay day and for the first time in years, a son born of a woman with the simplest of gestures sealed his spot as the only man yet who has made my Valentine's memorable for good. Paul God bless you.

Now after a seeming look of how beautiful Valentine's can be, I was expectant again. This time I wanted a get away, I wanted bae and I to travel, have that baecation typa feeling, it was after all a year that had many engagements on my timeline and no I didn't want a ring and forever just yet, I rather wanted my baecation. Needless to say I spent it up North angry and alone in my room. No calls as to why uncle didn't show up and we were back to Valentine's isn't for me.

Last year was the most miserable of them but, I was thought by my dad to always pick a lesson, Valentine's day is a day like any other yes, and many young ladies have expectations met and exceeded on these days yes, but, this young lady here must have been doing something terribly wrong to have so many unfortunate ones. The only thing I kept doing wrong was over expecting, building castles in cloud 9 and overtly and covertly expressing my dislike for the date. Don't ask me about this year's valentine, you can see my pictures via the link


  1. Wow what a timeline of experiences.

    1. I know right, so many events in what seems like so little time.

  2. As fragile as you are now, you were a tomboy? Oh wow!

    I enjoyed the read. Thanks Dee

    1. Don't judge a book by its cover they've said lol.

  3. Sigh. After this read, I miss you even more than I did before.

  4. Valentine has always been just another day for me. No fuss. No stress. 💁‍♀️


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