
Showing posts from February, 2021

Undone and beaming

 Let me tell you about building castles in the sky, you often fall to your misery from up there. Hey guys welcome back to my blog. So I've been busy building my skyscrapers in the sky and not with any solid foundations even (hope is a dangerous thing you know) but even so I know how to be a rugged faither I don't know if you make up words like I do, but faither best describes it. I'm going to teach how to come out undone and yet beaming. So amidst the many things I pray for, I pray for a job that pays me really well, needless to say that my prayer is backed up with a lot of application letters, I've heard, they say, faith without work is dead, therefore, I update my CV as should suit an application and try really hard to give a befitting application letter and mail it. Well, I'm still jobless, lets get that out there, and no its not because my CV hasn't been ranked by resume.worded and the likes as well above 70, nor because I haven't had calls for interview

My Valentine Story

Expectations are mostly the cause of disappointment. Welcome lovelies, here's my valentine story. Growing up the only thing I knew about valentine's is the fact that it was a makeshift Christmas day since the colors of the day are red and white and presents were given as well. Then as a teenager in high school, it was a day to know the prettiest girl cause she had the most gifts and I usually had none (didn't mean I was the ugliest, not even remotely, I was just the girl every guy told they had a crush on someone else because I was a tomboy - guy's lady). Valentine's to me was mundane and the frivolities of the day made it even more uninteresting until hormones happened.   It was my first valentine as someone's girlfriend, I was expectant, I wanted texts at 12am, a lunch date, a kiss, a reassuring I love you and at least one present that I'd keep forever. It was a perfect plan save for the fact that my boyfriend was in a different country and he'd been t