Pander II

~ 5 ~
I left my phone number with the receptionist hoping that Jay would call but a whole day had passed, and still no call. I thought about how kind and gentle he’d been, and I prayed that he’d been blind to my wild side, but it was naught.
I found myself longing to be with him again, especially since I had a soft spot for him. He made me remember how good I used to be – how good I could be, and I felt special again, after what seemed like a lifetime ago.
Now I sat hearing my heart throb unaided. Jay, all of a sudden had become my ailment. But why didn’t he call me?
I sent a text, “Shy much? It’s Bella.”
~ Jay ~
As I lay in bed mentally juxtaposing the nights with Bella and Stacy, I received a text from a strange number.
“Shy much? It’s Bella.”
How did she get my number? I acted like I didn’t know, even though I’d purposely left my number at the reception in hopes that she’d use it. Indeed she did.
As my sexual frustration grew amidst many other unsavoury attitudes Stacy showed, I began noticing the maid Nneka. As local as she was, I started to find her attractive. My imaginations ran wild, but nothing compared to my thoughts of the thot.
~ Bella ~
Finally, he called. He wanted to see me after what seemed like an eternity; although, in reality, it was just seven days ago. He said he’d be at the Gold Crest Hotel again – same room. Would that be our rendezvous point?
What was I to wear? I had spent the last seven days groping wistfully for Jay’s touch.
~ Jay ~
I'd been waiting for twenty minutes, and my guilt rose now more than my excitement. I called her, and before it rang, she picked up – or that was how I felt. I was going to tell her not to bother, but her voice was all I needed to flush the guilt away.

~ Bella ~
“Hey stranger,” my excitement made me squeak, or so I felt. He was silent and then like a perfect gentleman that he was, he asked where I was so he’d come pick me up.
~ Jay ~
She gave me her address. Initially, I second guessed it, but my thoughts of the thot drove me to desperation.
~ Bella ~
I cleaned my already sparkling house; although I knew he wouldn’t come inside, but I hoped he would. I dressed up very decently, but quite sexy too. I needed to impress him.
~ Jay ~
I got to her house about fifteen long minutes later. The wait was worth it. She stood by the door looking so green. Although the chances were that sooner or later, such greenness would lead me to an inevitable disaster, I took the chance.
~ Bella ~
As he sat in his car studying and undressing me with his eyes, I knew he was impressed, so I walked towards him as slowly as I could. The idea was to seduce him. It worked like a charm.
~ Jay ~
I rushed out and opened the door for her.
“Good afternoon handsome,’’ she greeted.
I smiled and replied, “Good afternoon beau.” The drive down to the hotel wasn’t so boring. I realized we had at least one thing in common – our love for soccer; the upside being we supported the same club.
We got to room 224, but she had an idea. I noticed her spontaneous side. It excited me – if for nothing it kept me interested. She walked into the conjoining room; the one we hadn’t peered into the last time we were here.
~ Bella ~
“I came out again, and this time it was in my lingerie. Pulling him by his tie, I led him to the door.
~ Jay ~
As we got to the door, I grabbed her from behind and rubbed my crotch against her soft ass. She had a naughty smirk as she turned around and winked at me. She knelt and grabbed me by the crotch. I swear her stroking made me speak Latin.
I grabbed her again, this time by her head, moving to the rhythm of the BJ she gave; the words I uttered, I can’t seem to recall. We spent the rest of the day together.
~ Bella ~
As I put my clothes back on, Jay helped me pack up my make-up that was littered around the dressing table. He sat up, and the conversation that ensued threw me off balance. I literally stumbled; although every word seemed like a revelation.
~ Jay ~
I got home trying to avoid any confrontations from Stacy, but to my surprise, she looked so unperturbed by my lateness. It was quarter past ten. Her calmness amused me so much that the guilt that should have come with my being with Bella was naught.
After my conversation with Bella, I felt some sort of relief. She was a great listener. When she spoke of her time in the convent, her face glowed, and I almost jumped her again.
Watching her speak and gesture, I knew she could never really call the street home. I tried to convince her to go back to the convent – and oddly she agreed. We spoke for a while, and that was all I needed to bless my Sunday.
I realized I'd never met a lady as versatile. I might have pushed my luck a bit too much when I spoke to her about my wedding and Stacy, but I was of the mentality that thots never really cared about such things. After all, there was a popular saying that ‘Ashawo no they catch feelings.’
I stood corrected that night.
~ Bella ~
I decided Jay was right. I’d leave for the convent by morning’s light; if for nothing, at least so I could redeem my soul and find peace.
~ Jay ~
The week ran by as I tried to mend my ways with Stacy. It was Sunday again, and we were late for church as usual, but my eyes beheld the eighth wonder in front of me.
It was Bella, the most beautiful nun I’d ever seen. She carried about her duties so faithfully, but I could only see her in thongs. I tried to pray or concentrate, but it was all in vain. And it wasn’t long before I fell prey to Stacy’s eye because although she was the reason we always arrived late to church, she never failed to remind me to stand up, sit, or kneel promptly.
Today, I paid her no heed. I stared shamelessly at Bella – her long legs and the things she could do with them. I knew her lips as she sang the hymns. I’d already kissed them. I knew how they felt as she brushed them against my junk.
Lord knew I was mentally fucking her in the church. It took a lot of self-control to keep me from ripping her clothes off right there in the church. Before I could come to my senses, I heard the priest say grace.
Meanwhile, Stacy’s eyes were piercing red with anger and disgust, but thankfully she said nothing about it.

~ 6 ~
Stacy didn’t utter a single word about Bella after church. She sat quietly in the car during the ride back. It was so quiet that I was a little bit scared. I almost confessed to her and rendered an apology, but she didn’t seem to care enough to need those unnecessary details now.
I sat there looking jolly although I tried to hide it. I realized today though Bella hadn't said it, that she had begun to like me. Oddly, it pleased me. I imagined us cuddling. I imagined a life with her, but what got me excited the most was the fact that she could make anything look sexy.
Whether she was in her nun outfit (or Habit like it was called), or in thongs; Bella still looked so beautiful. I began looking forward to another Sunday just to see those beautiful green eyes again. 
~ Bella ~
I noticed Jay noticing me all through the mass; my beautiful man… totally oblivious of his wife’s piercing stare. If only eyes could kill – he’d have died. There was something different about Jay. He was unlike my many clients. There was something about the way he looked at me, the way he handled me, and the way he treated and spoke to me. With Jay, it was more than just sex – it was almost love-making; if I dare say so myself.
After mass, his obnoxious wife had given me a stare down. It was hilarious, but I was ready to break every – and any protocol for Jay.
~ Jay ~
I heard Stacy muttering inaudibly, but I was unconcerned. I busied myself with the thoughts of my favourite thot. She'd been the highlight of what was, in fact, a disastrous week. And though Stacy had made one or two attempts at reconciliation, I was already bored of her drama. But unbeknownst to me, Stacy my lady had a few tricks of her own. 
~ Stacy ~
My husband's musings seemed different, and I had my reservations. But after I saw him openly lusting after her, they were no longer doubts. It was full-blown suspicions. She was pretty and thin, and she noticed him too. In fact, their glances seemed somewhat familiar – like they already knew each other, or where ready to know each other.
I knew I’d been hard on him, but was that enough to push him away? No! We promised eternity and beyond. I wasn’t ready to lose him – to a nun nonetheless.
I knew Jay. I knew his weaknesses, so I played my cards right – or so I thought.
It was Wednesday, and I still hadn’t mentioned the church incident; and neither did he. But I was a hundred percent sure that none of us had forgotten about it.
I called him up from work and took him for a late lunch. It was a welcomed surprise, but I could see through his façade. I knew he was worried and waiting for me to ask about her – his nun.
I wasn’t going to give him the pleasure. After the date, I had a couple of surprises more for him. We drove in my car as I took him to the Recherche Place – it was the newest hotel in the suburb. I paid a reasonable amount to surprise him.
~ Jay ~
Just at the counter, the receptionist recognized me. She asked of the Missus, and I gave her a puzzled look. Unfortunately, my obliviousness had put me in a fix. Apparently, this receptionist had worked at the Gold Crest Hotel were Bella and I had frequented. And on one of our visits there I had once called Bella the Missus.
Luckily, Stacy was too busy making a phone call to realize the awkwardness.
“She’s fine,” I answered hurriedly as I picked up the keys and left.
~ Stacy ~
I heard it – the Missus, she’d asked about. But since I was right there with them, she couldn’t have been referring to me. Was Jay cheating on me? Was it with the nun? Was that the familiarity that I’d picked up in their stares?
~ Jay ~
“Baby, this room is beautiful,” I gushed. “What’s the occasion, because I’m definitely impressed?”
The room was gorgeous. There was a painting of a model in her lingerie on the beach, just above the bedpost, and a mirror on the ceiling directly above the bed. The room was painted in a mild lilac with golden shimmers. The windows were magnificent, with cream coloured drapery and splashes of lilac on them. The bed was enormous with white coloured sheets and a white duvet with an orange inner.
 The ambience was perfect for reconciliation, and it was then that I realized that I missed my Stacy.
I was too busy admiring the room that I didn’t see it coming. I was met with a thunderous slap across my right cheek.
"How dare you?!" Stacy yelled, "How dare you? It's been barely a year, and you're already cheating on me – you dog!"
I was too stunned to say anything or move as Stacy left the room in a loud huff. I sunk into the sofa lost. I remained in that position for a few hours and reminisced about the first day I met Stacy.
I replayed every moment from our first meeting to how we got here. I remembered my engagement speech and how my voice had trembled. I recalled her father's stern warnings at our introduction ceremony and my assurance to him afterwards.
I let myself sink to the floor and allowed the tears to pour.
~ Stacy ~
I couldn’t bring myself to understand where it had all gone wrong. Jay was the perfect guy for me; my soul-mate, my all. At what point did he become such a dog?
It had been two hours since I stormed off from the hotel and he still hadn’t returned home. He was probably there with that slut in the room I paid for. I detest him.
~ Jay ~
I pulled myself together, picked up my phone, walked out of the room, and headed for the bar. And to my amazement, there she was – my little green-eyed thot, watching the game. And as usual, she held a bub in her hand.
~ Bella ~
Oh no! What is he doing here? I came here to end things with Raphael. Why is Jay here? Ralph would be here soon. He needs to leave before that happens.
I smiled as he pulled out a seat and sat beside me. There was a look on his face that seemed off. He looked like he’d been crying or was that just my eyes playing tricks on me?
“How are you?” I asked, a little bit concerned.
“I’m better now,” he replied.
I leaned in and gave him a warm hug since it looked like he could use one; and just as I was pulling away, his Missus showed up.
Lord no, he didn’t deserve the treatment she dished out. Oddly enough, he was calm. And at the end of it all, he walked away and hailed a cab. Thankfully, Raphael didn’t make it. And that made it seem like a good enough excuse for me to call it quits with him, but I wasn’t too sure yet. 
Later that night, I couldn’t sleep as my thoughts ran wild. I wondered what had happened with Jay and his wife. I had no idea how he could remain calm under such tense situations.
It was about three in the morning when my phone rang. The caller ID read Jay, and I answered the call immediately.
~ Stacy ~
The little whore didn’t even allow the phone to ring twice before picking up. I’d tried a bunch of other numbers on Jay’s phone, but when she picked the call, I knew it was her.
"Stay away from my husband you little home-breaker!" were the only words I could utter before Jay returned to the room and snatched his phone from my hands.
~ Jay ~
I'd had enough for one day. While I figured I deserved all the ill treatment I got from Stacy; I just couldn't stand the thought of anyone disrespecting Bella – not even if that person was Stacy.
“That’s enough Stacy!” I roared. “I’ve had enough. I cheated. I’m sorry. You get to do whatever you like to me, but just leave Bella out of it. She was the victim of my lust and irresponsibility. I spent a lot of time in the hotel room today, thinking about our vows and how much I must have hurt you. And I’m terribly sorry, but it was your fault. I know I should have had more self-control, but you pushed me past my breaking point. I even tried to warn you sometimes, but you were too self-absorbed to listen to me. I’m giving us a chance right now – even though I might not have any right to do so after what I did, but I’m taking the bold step. Let’s make it right – a clean slate. Let’s forget this phase – because that’s what this was; a phase. Let’s start over.”
With that, I broke my Sim card and factory reset my phone; making it obvious I wanted to start anew.
"Never again," I told her – although I lied, "Never again," I repeated.
~ Stacy ~
Jay had never raised his voice at me before. He dared to blame me for everything, yet he was ready to start over. Was that going to fix the vacuum?
I stood there puzzled for what seemed like the longest time, but I agreed to his terms. After all, it was for better or worse.

~ 7 ~
Months went by as we changed Parish to avoid Bella, but of course, Stacy's lack of excitement in the bedroom came back to haunt me. I couldn't complain since I was still on probation with her, but eventually, I grew tired of pretending. It wasn't long before I started noticing Nneka, but I could never forget Bella entirely.
~ Bella ~
We walked into the hotel and headed for the elevator. Raphael was spontaneous, but he was no Jay. I hadn’t been to the Gold Crest Hotel in months, not since Jay seemingly fell off the surface of the earth. But this time I was finally ready.
At the ding of the elevator's bell, Raphael picked me up. Sheer coincidence or life's idea of a lousy joke landed us in room 224.
Raphael was unlike Jay. Debonair nonetheless, but he was the card fate had dealt me. He kissed me all over my body and took off my clothes – piece by piece. He stroked my back until all the hairs on my skin stood erect, then slowly; he inserted his finger into me.
With each stroke, my moans got even louder, and Raphael thrust his fingers even deeper into me until he couldn't go any further. Foreplay with him always took me to ecstasy, but something was missing.
Raphael looked at me with hunger – not desire. At the point where I was about to reach orgasm, he took out his fingers and nibbled at me with his tongue.
Raphael knew how to find my G-spot every single time. He pleasured me more than any man I knew. He initially started slowly, and then he thrust his tongue deeper into me; up and down. He circled his tongue around my clit continuously, until I could no longer breathe.
“Please don’t stop,” I gasped for breath, and muttered endlessly.
“Be mine forever, please,” he smiled and replied.
I didn't reply to his request since I figured it could have been a spur of the moment thing. But I couldn’t help wondering if it could be possible that he wanted to make a thot his wife. Or did he mean I’d become his little whore forever?
Much later, he got into the shower with me as he bathed me with kisses; subtly grabbing on my breasts. And then he went down on both knees. I squealed in excitement when his warm tongue lurched at me, but I was mostly surprised at his gesture afterwards.
Raphael took out a ring, and he repeated his earlier words;
“Be mine forever, please.”
~ Jay ~
I brought up the issue again in an attempt to fortify my new found commitment, but once again I was met with nonchalance and a lacklustre attitude. She even called me out for being a cheat.
In an attempt to avoid any further altercations, I left the house. I headed off to our rendezvous point – not because we had an appointment, but because I just wanted to get a feel of what I’d given up for marital bliss.
“Sorry, Sir, it’s occupied,” the receptionist replied when I asked for our particular room.
So, I headed straight to the bar and decided to get a beer. One turned to two, and eventually to three; then I stopped keeping track of the bottles. All through, my phone wouldn’t stop ringing.
Initially, I tried to ignore it, but then realized that it would only make matters worse, so I picked the call and answered my lovely wife – who was throwing one of her usual tantrums.
I left the bar and started heading towards the car park. And as I approached, I saw her. At that moment, all I could think of was if she was alone or not. I crept up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Hey stranger,” I smiled.
~ Bella ~
My heart skipped several beats at the feel of the hands on my shoulder.
“Could it be?” I wondered to myself.
I turned around, and indeed it was Jay – in the flesh, but he looked a little bit off.
“Come away with me,” he said.
~ Jay ~
“Damn it all and come away with me,” I said to her.
“You’re drunk,” was her only reply.
“I missed you,” I continued when I saw that she wasn’t going to say anything else. “I missed being with you all these months. I’ve missed you so dearly.”
Before she could say anything, a young man appeared and asked if I was a bother, before taking her away. The ache I felt in my heart as I watched them leave was immeasurable.
When I finally got back home, Stacy was sobbing in the living room. I had no more empathy left, so I ignored her and walked away.
~ Bella ~
Why was he so desperate? What had become of my perfect stranger? I wondered each time I recalled the events of that day at the car park.
Raphael asked the question again, so I obliged him; after all, I never started off thinking I’d be a thot.
Weeks passed as preparations began. I had no friends or family, so I sunk further into depression. As a child, I’d always dreamed of my wedding and what it would be like. I’d even sing in some of them.
The proud father walking down the daughter he adored so much, and the mother with tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. And then there were the friends on one side – with their cameras capturing every single beautiful moment.
I'd dreamt of weddings often as a child, but those were all fantasies I couldn't afford, or so I thought. Raphael didn't mind my past. I finally told him how I got here, and he was patient. He still respected me, but I craved Jay in his touches. And even though he led me to ecstasy every time, I always wished it was Jay touching me.

~ 8 ~
The news of my impending fatherhood hit me like a Mac Truck. It was supposed to be wonderful news, but it felt to me like the end of the world. I couldn't bring myself to smile since copulation with Stacy had just been to fulfill my marital vows.
I couldn't stand her anymore. Maybe somewhere deep in my heart, I might still have loved Stacy, but it wasn't to the extent of having a child with her. In fact, I was outraged because it felt to me like foul play.
In the past few weeks – since I last saw her, I hadn’t stopped thinking about Bella. I’d even started to retrace my steps so that I'd be able to find her. I wish I hadn’t done that because I did find Bella; not physically, but there was a poster and a wedding invitation.
Very soon she was going to belong to someone else.
~ Bella ~
Meeting Raphael’s parents was a delight. He obviously didn’t tell them anything about my past – for good reasons, I knew, but I couldn’t help but feel out of place. It didn’t feel like they’d ever be my home.
Every time my thoughts kept drifting to the night Jay uttered those words to me;
“Come away with me.”
What if I agreed? Would that make me a terrible person to Raphael?
“Bella… Bella… Bella!” it was Raphael. It was time to leave.
“You seem so distant these days,” he said, “Always lost in thought; or are these just pre-wedding jitters?”
Raphael was quite observant, but he was also nonchalant as well. He wasn’t as detailed as Jay, so it was hard to tell what he did or didn’t notice.
“I never thought I’d be getting married,” I smiled at him, “But then again, I never thought I’d be a whore; so I’m open to surprises.”
Raphael hugged me and said, “Life owes you more, and I hope I can atone for it someday.”
I couldn’t understand why a man like Raphael cared so much for little ole me. He was a sailor. I’d met him on one of my many trips aboard the northern shore ships. He was next in line to be the captain.
Raphael was a very laidback man, but there was something about him. Immediately our eyes locked, I knew there’d be no better client on the ship for me that night.
My expectations were met – and even exceeded. He was very passionate about me but became very possessive afterwards. I'd been with him Raphael for months after we left until I met Jay.
Lately, my thoughts of Jay had become too intense to comprehend. Was this what it meant to be in love? I’d never gotten quite attached to a client before – not even Raphael, and he was the closest I had to a relationship; yet Jay’s sullen and surreal character drove me to insanity.
It was probably a quarter to my wedding day when I finally called it off. I couldn’t live such a lie with Raphael. He didn’t deserve my half-hazard love. He didn’t deserve to be stuck with such a despicable being like me.
I knew it was a cliché breaking things off with a letter, but I just couldn’t help myself, so I dropped it and left.
Dear Raphael,
I wish I could say I love you – I tried, but those words would never be true. If you were atonement for life’s ills, I forgive life. Matter of fact, I’m overly indebted to her now. I don’t deserve you. You’re an angel of a man, and I tried – or maybe I could have put in more effort to love you, but…
No excuse I give would ever be good enough to make up for my decisions, but I cannot go on deceiving us – you, me, and my conscience. The best advice I can give you now is to move on with your life and pay no second thought to me.
Yours, Bella
I knew what I wrote was lame, but that was the best I could come up with because in my mind nothing could deter me from Jay.
~ Jay ~
News travelled fast, but bad news rained. Bella called off her wedding. When our Parish Priest had brought up the incident during his sermon, I almost screamed hallelujah because I was so caught up in joy.
Stacy was there with me, but I couldn’t care less what she thought. Matter of fact, I owed myself a treat – the Gold Crest Hotel; for old time’s sake.
~ Bella ~
I’d locked myself away from Raphael, the church, and the outside world for a week. I didn’t feel like being interrogated by anyone, neither did I have the strength to withstand the judgments I knew I’d face if I went out.
But now, I felt like it was time to finally emerge; time to drink to a hopefully better future. So, I decided to head out to the Gold Crest Hotel for old time’s sake.


  1. Interesting read 🥰. I so desperately tried to form an image of Bella in my mind, but I'm certain I got it wrong. I sure can't way to know what happens next with Jay, Bella and pregnant Stacy. Good job Dee 👌

  2. Beautiful piece love to see the end soon.


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