
Showing posts from August, 2023

New Life

 Hi lovelies, good evening, this fine evening. Today's post is about the haven God through my sister led me to and how my life changed ever since. I wrote this poem to depict the transformation that occurred in my life and as our third anniversary draws nigh, I thought to share it with you too. Hello, fear, I've come to bid you goodbye; You, depression and all of your like-minded buddies can now evacuate my environment. I know you're wondering what changed, Let me brief you; This year, I joined a family, I came to a new birth - new life. I realized who I am, I changed my vocabulary. You see, I learnt new things in depth, I finally overcame you. Let me share some of the things  I've learnt with you; You know how I was scared of the future? In my new home, I explained these fears to my daddy; He told me this, you look with your eyes, but you see with your mind! I did not understand, I was still a babe. But patience thrives here, he explained further and I learned a new wo