
 Fii fii imagination! When we were kids, we had tall dreams, graduate at 23 (be a medical doctor) be married at, at most 25 and be happy, the end. I mean that was my own goal, nothing earth shattering you know, just have a career, a partner and a family of my own.

Hey lovelies, been eons hasn't it? Welcome to the blog and happy new month. It's my birth month and my, have I been in my feelings. I did some soul searching and I'm putting this out here to quell the noisome pestilence inna me head.

If you did achieve all of the aforementioned at said age, welldone. If not, let me try to allay your fears, neither did I. Anyhoo, since our imagination ended at twenty-five and happy, then, if you're in your late twenties or are in your early thirties, in fact if you've passed twenty-five suffice me to ask how markate?  No I'm not throwing jabs or the likes, I really want to know. I've been pondering, I think I finally understand why older cousins began to alienate themselves from family and aunts who had passed the ripe 'ol age for marriage visited sparingly. Its a shame, though, what living in this "close-knit" society does to us.

You'll deal with a feeling of stagnation, slowness, failure. You'll dive head first sometimes into seeking for miracles, other times you'll alienate yourself from people that seem to have it better, because you hate the taste of jealousy that sneaks up on you when you're around them. You will look down on your small wins because in comparison to XYZ they're insignificant. You will still smile but it'll be heavy, you'll buy into self-care and self-love quotes. You'll struggle through stuff in denial. You'll compromise in hopes that you'll get your desired result. Wo, you will do a lot. Have you been here? Can you relate? Am I just yarning dust?

Back to foraying things that are, as though they be not, what happens after you age past twenty-five and you're still figuring life out? Have you failed? Does the earth stop spinning? You and I know that the answer is no. Time is righteous, a fanatic even. It'll never bend, stop or pause, even if it's just to give you a breather when life's hacking you to bits, or you're falling behind. So, then, what? Well, I've been learning a couple of things from my church, from my mentors, from life's lessons and from my peculiar power of observation, let me share;

Faith without patience will lead you to frustration. You think you're going through a lot? You will be a lot, stuck in a lot, you will not go through, you will dwell therein. God is not a magician, He follows due process, be patient.  If you compare, contrast,  or juxtapose your life to even your sibling's, you will always find a lag in yours at some point. Desist, you're only in a race with yourself, you're the standard, if you know this, then you'll realise you're right on time. It is okay to be twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty + and figuring life out, nobody has it all figured out yet, that's why those millionaires went looking for the titanic, duh. There'll be people killing it at twenty, married at twenty-three, have their PhD at twenty-seven and be CEOs at thirty. That's their trajectory, celebrate them if you want. Yours might be a bit all over the place, I know mine has, but, it's yours, appreciate the process, learn the lessons, and trod on, I'm rooting for you.


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