Pretty perfect

 He wore itttttt!!!! Hey guys, sorry I'm very inconsistent, I mean if this were to earn me money I would be flat broke, it can, however I just don't know how to milk it yet, and by the way I still am flat broke. Welcome to the blog, I promise my words henceforth would not be mombo jombo to you. 

Back to my exclamation, the he there is my uncle, I call him my second dad. He is one of the most precise in appearance, and character, a little verbose in speech, although an eloquent orator through and through (bottom line of this mombo jombo, no be anyhow person). He wore an outfit I ironed for him. When he asked that I iron it, all I thought about was all of the reasons why I could not do it properly, they were thoughts in my head, the last time I ironed a man's outfit was about a year ago. The last time I ironed his outfit was about five years ago. This man has a live-in launder, who at the very moment was unavoidably absent, and he knew I could in fact iron it, but I felt like I was going to mess up. Fact is, when I began to iron the outfit, I knew exactly what to do and how to do it, yet it was difficult for me. Difficult in the sense that I already told myself that I couldn't do it, so I was ready to not be able to, so even as I knew how to do it, it was yet difficult for me. 

You see, this is how my everyday life pans out, I wake up, I pray, I say Lord help me through this day because Lord on my own I can't go through it, my thoughts are of all my shortcomings, my aspirations are foggy, I'm not inspired to do much, help me. And in that moment of prayer, I feel an ease but, immediately I stand up, I begin to doubt, to feel a sense of difficulty and my body and leans in on it. Now I'm not saying my uncle is God, but God knows aforehand that I can manoeuvre through the day that's why he let me see the day in the first place, just like my uncle knew I could iron before he gave me his outfit. God knows that though it might be difficult, mainly because we let ourselves believe it to be so, that we can. Remember, He never gives us more than we can carry. Today feels like a revelation to me, he wore an outfit I considered haphazardly ironed and uncouth for a man with such prestige but when he came out it was perfect. So there are days you consider, downright useless and wasted but God knows you did just fine. I could've done better, maybe, but with what time I had and with the difficulties I had, it looked pretty perfect when he wore it. 

This is a subtle reminder, you're doing pretty okay, regardless of how it's going. It's going and that's all that matters.


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