
Showing posts from December, 2021


 Hey guys, been a minute and then some. I'm a little withdrawn these days, might show in my writing, please forgive me, let's blame the weather.  The year has struttered to an end, pray tell do you like the end? There are many a things I had wanted at the beginning of the year, some I noted down, some I kept willing to happen and some I felt should naturally happen. Well my use of tense should've sold me out, I'll spell it out yet, they didn't happen. However some things I didn't even envisage or think possible happened, and I cannot even dare rule out the fact that I was undeserving of some. I don't know what your year has been like, but I'm sure you've had a bit of both categories, you can share in the comment section.  Most people have already began what I now deem shenanigans; writing or planning their new year's resolutions in hopes of a better next year. I am not against your betterment nor your choice to move on but 2022 isn't within y